By whom and when was the flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea named?
Forfatter: Ib Friis & Sue Edwards & Olof Ryding
Serier: Biologiske Skrifter
Undertitel: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on the Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea at the Carlsberg Academy, Copenhagen, August 25-27, 1999
Udgivelsesår: 2001 - 2001
Antal hæfter: 26
- + Ib Friis
- + Mats Thulin
- + Sebsebe Demissew
- + Inger Nordal
- + Olof Ryding
- + Inga Hedberg
- + Olov Hedberg
- + Sylvia M. Phillips
- + David Goyder
- + Hans-Dieter Ihlenfeldt
- + Phillip J. Cribb
- + Sarah Thomas
- + Finn N Rasmussen
- + Mesfin Tadesse
- + Daniel J. Crawford
- + Seung-Chul Kim
- + Sue Edwards
- + Abdulnasser Al-Gifri
- + Mohammed Abdullah Hussein
- + Saeed Gabali
- + Ensermu Kelbassa
- + Kåre Arnstein Lye
- + Robert B. Faden
- + Odd E. Stabbetorp
- + Jon Fjeldså
- + Helen de Klerk
- + Zemede Asfaw
- + Elisabeth Hildebrand
- + Sally Bidgood
- + Zerihun Woldu
- + Enrico Feoli
- + Sileshi Nemomissa
- + Christian Puff
- + Michael Jensen
- + Menassie Gashaw
- + Anders Michelsen